Gris: A Delicacy in the Sea of Repetitive Games Gaming for mental health Introduction In a vast sea of games which can seem repetitive, Gris is a delicacy. This indie platformer published by Devolver Digital and developed by Nomada Studio has been recognized for its beauty and unique gameplay after it released on the Nintendo Switch in 2018. I was personally drawn to the game's watercolor art style, but what I found when I played it was so much more than that It is not often that a game comes along that is a beautiful, emotional piece of artwork. Gris is an understated, beautiful game that deserves to be played. It is not often that a game comes along that is a beautiful, emotional piece of artwork. Gris takes the player on a journey through what can be described as an emotional time capsule. The gameplay itself is not overly complex or difficult, but it will take you on an adventure unlike any other you have ever experienced in gaming. Gris from Nomada Studio and published by De...
A place for Mental Health and Gaming.