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How Taking the Time to Define My Own Success Has Led to Real Freedom

Success is a concept that seems universally understood but is incredibly personal and subjective. For many years, I chased after what I thought was success, only to feel unfulfilled and constrained by the expectations and standards of others. It wasn't until I took the time to define my own success that I began to experience true freedom. This journey has been enlightening, and I hope my story can offer some insights into the power of self-defined success.

Every Day We Get Sold Other People's Success to Copy and Buy, But Why?

Everywhere we look, especially in the gaming community and broader social media landscape, we are bombarded with images and narratives of success that are not our own. We see influencers flaunting their luxurious lifestyles, YouTubers sharing their wealth, and TikTok stars presenting a curated version of perfection. The implicit message is clear: this is what success looks like, and if you want to be successful, you should aspire to these standards.

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But here's the question that nagged at me: If these people are truly successful, why aren't they just enjoying their success? Who really makes TikToks when you're supposedly retired at 25? There's a paradox here. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that much of what we see is a performance, a continuous loop of validation-seeking and brand-building that rarely equates to genuine happiness or fulfillment. These influencers are caught in a cycle of presenting an image of success rather than living it.

I found myself questioning why I was trying to emulate these examples. Why was I buying into the idea that success meant accumulating followers, wealth, and material possessions? The pressure to conform to these externally imposed definitions of success was exhausting. It was then that I decided to take a step back and re-evaluate what success truly meant for me.

If These People Are Successful, Why Aren’t They Enjoying It?

The more I scrutinized the lives of those I once aspired to be like, the more inconsistencies I found. Many influencers and social media stars seem to live in a constant state of production, always creating content to maintain their status. This raised an important question for me: If they have achieved what society deems as success, why do they seem unable to enjoy it? Why is there this perpetual need to showcase every moment and acquisition?

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One day, while scrolling through TikTok, I came across a young millionaire bragging about his earnings and lifestyle. He claimed to be retired, yet he was producing content daily, almost compulsively. This contradiction was glaring. It dawned on me that many of these individuals are trapped in the very systems they claim to have mastered. Their "success" requires them to continuously sell their lifestyles to others, leading to a never-ending cycle of validation and public approval.

I realized that this form of success is often hollow, driven more by external validation than internal satisfaction. The pressure to constantly perform and produce content is not freedom—it's another form of imprisonment. This insight was pivotal for me. It became clear that true success should be about personal fulfillment and genuine happiness, not about meeting societal or online standards.

How I Decided to Go Find What Success Meant for Me as a Person: Self-Reflection and Elden Ring

I knew I needed to redefine success on my own terms, but this required deep self-reflection. I turned to a combination of introspection and my passion for gaming to guide me. One game, in particular, Elden Ring, became a metaphorical landscape for my journey toward self-discovery. This open-world game allowed me to explore, take risks, and learn from failures—all within a safe, virtual environment.

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Playing Elden Ring, I found myself facing numerous challenges and decisions, each requiring strategy and perseverance. The game's complexity and depth mirrored my internal struggles. I started seeing parallels between my in-game experiences and my real-life journey. Just as I navigated the game's world, I began navigating my thoughts and feelings about success.

Self-reflection sessions often followed intense gaming periods. I asked myself difficult questions: What do I genuinely enjoy? What makes me feel fulfilled? What are my core values? Through these reflections, I discovered that success, for me, is not about external accolades but about inner peace, creativity, and the joy of learning and growing.

Defining My Standards and Being Real About My Situation

Defining personal success required me to set realistic and honest standards based on my unique circumstances and aspirations. I had to move past the superficial benchmarks set by society and social media influencers. This involved acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses, my passions, and my limitations.

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I made a conscious effort to detach from the online personas that once influenced me. I stopped comparing myself to others and started focusing on my journey. This was not easy. It required a significant shift in mindset and a lot of self-compassion. But as I started setting my own standards, I began to feel a sense of relief and empowerment.

For instance, I redefined success to include maintaining a healthy work-life balance, nurturing meaningful relationships, and pursuing hobbies that brought me joy and fulfillment, like gaming. I also focused on personal growth goals such as learning new skills and overcoming personal challenges. By aligning my definition of success with my true self, I began to feel more grounded and content.

Relief from Having a Defined Goal and Knowing Where I Want to Go

One of the most significant benefits of defining my own success was the relief and clarity it brought. Knowing what I wanted to achieve and having a clear direction made a huge difference in my mental and emotional well-being. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Having a defined goal allowed me to focus my energy and efforts more effectively. I was no longer wasting time chasing after ideals that didn’t resonate with me. Instead, I was working towards goals that felt authentic and meaningful. This shift brought a sense of purpose and direction that had been missing before.

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Furthermore, understanding my personal definition of success helped me develop resilience. I was better equipped to handle setbacks and challenges because I knew they were part of my unique journey. Each obstacle became an opportunity for growth rather than a threat to my self-worth.

In conclusion, taking the time to define my own success has led to real freedom and fulfillment. It has allowed me to break free from the pressures and expectations imposed by society and social media. By understanding and embracing my true self, I have found a path that is both meaningful and liberating.

For anyone feeling trapped by external standards of success, I encourage you to embark on a journey of self-reflection. Take the time to explore what success truly means to you. It may be different from what you see on social media or what others expect, and that’s okay. Defining your own success is about finding what brings you joy, fulfillment, and peace.

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Remember, success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s personal and unique to each individual. By embracing your own definition of success, you can achieve a level of freedom and happiness that is truly rewarding. So, take the plunge, reflect on your values and aspirations, and start defining success on your own terms. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Embracing this approach has transformed my life and my perspective. I hope my story inspires you to redefine success in a way that brings you true freedom and fulfillment. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to hearing about your own paths to self-defined success.

Find me at:

Ko-fi : bruisedwayne 

Twitter : bruisedwayne3

YouTube : Gaming for Mental Health

TikTok : Bruisedwayne2


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