Virginia is a first-person thriller game that was released in 2016 by the independent game developer Variable State. The game follows the story of Anne Tarver, a FBI agent who is sent to the small town of Kingdom, Virginia to investigate the disappearance of a young boy. One of the unique aspects of Virginia is its non-linear narrative structure, which allows players to experience the story in a way that feels more like real life. Rather than following a set path, players are free to explore the game's environments and interact with characters in their own order. This creates a sense of immersion and agency that can be very satisfying for players. But beyond just being a thrilling and immersive gaming experience, Virginia also has potential mental health benefits. The game's non-linear narrative structure allows players to explore the story at their own pace, which can be helpful for those who may feel overwhelmed by more fast-paced or action-packed games. The game's immers...
A place for Mental Health and Gaming.